Lịch sử giá (biến động giá)

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So sánh giá

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Thông tin sản phẩm

1. Fingerprint Unlock, your fingers unlock everything.
2. 0.5s speed recognition, 360° arbitrary angle biometricrecognition, induction rate ≤ 0.5s
3. Durable structure, zinc alloy and splash proof lock body protects your assets from thieves.
4. Portable, small size and light weight.
5. Family and friend sharing, up to 10 groups of fingerprint can be stored to unlock.
6. Rechargeable lithium battery, no need to buy extra battery.
7. Safe, O10 will stay locked even out of power.
8. Low Power Alert and Fast Charge Technology.

Đánh giá từ người mua

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