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Cọ má hồng Number 2 Blush Brush: An angled brush that caresses the contours of your cheeks, delivering a diffused flush of color.
Brush Formulation: Cream

Cọ tán nền Number 3 Foundation Brush: is: An angled brush designed for seamless blending of skin tint and liquid or cream foundation.
Brush Formulation: Liquid

Cọ che khuyết điểm 2 đầu Number 4 Dual-Ended Concealer Brush: A bespoke two-in-one concealer brush with ends designed for targeted and diffused application.
Brush Formulation: Liquid

Cọ bronzer Number 5 Bronzer Brush: A dual-fiber brush designed for buffing and stippling cream bronzer onto the complexion with ease.
Brush Formulation: Cream

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