Lịch sử giá (biến động giá)

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Tinh dầu bạc hà được sản xuất bằng phươ.ng ph.áp lôi cuốn hơi nước từ 100% cây bạc hà.
- Hết mùi hôi khó chịu trong tròng
- Đuổi được muỗi, chuột, dán
- Thư gi.ãn
- Sử dụng với đèn xông tinh dầu
- xoa đều ở tay rồi hít, ngửi
- Tẩm bông gòn hoặc xịt vào nơi côn trùng ở
Lưu ý:
- Tránh ánh sáng mặt trời trực tiếp.
- Không uống tinh dầu nguyên chất, không để vào mắt.
- Để xa tầm tay trẻ em.
Peppermint essential oil is produced using steam distillation method, extracted 100% from peppermint plant, no preservatives, no aromatic spices, the main ingredients are menthol and menthone.
– Helps reduce fever; boosts immune system; remedy for nasal congestion and sinus pain relief.
– Remedy for bad breath, reduces abdominal pain, flatulence, dyspepsia, heartburn, phlegm.
– Reduces headache, remedy for fatigue, depression.
– Remedy for acne, scar, hyperpigmentation, dandruff; antiseptic.
– Use with diffuser for air purification to prevent flu and running nose, reduce stress and fatigue.
– Apply 1 – 2 drops of peppermint essential oil to temples, forehead or sinuses to reduce sinusitis and headache.
– Dilute it with jojoba oil, olive oil and rub it into the abdomen when you are not feeling good.
– Rub several drops of essential oil onto your feet to reduce fever, rub it onto insect bites to reduce itching and swelling.
– Skin care: Create a mixture of coconut and peppermint oil, rub it onto the sunburned areas to treat burn, reduce pain and increase skin recovery.
– Keep the essential oil away from direct sunlight.
– Do not drink pure essential oil, avoid contact with eyes.
– Keep out of the reach of children.
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