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Thông tin sản phẩm

  • DELIVERS 8G OF BCAAS - Help fuel skeletal muscles, preserve muscle glycogen stores and reduce protein breakdown – leading to faster muscle growth and less muscle soreness after training

  • NATURALLY SOURCED, ENERGY BOOSTING KICK OF CAFFEINE - Features a precise 100mg dose of naturally-sourced caffeine from Coffea robusta in each two-scoop serving

  • DESIGNED WITH ATHLETES IN MIND - Formulated with clinically researched ingredients that drive peak performance – including a higher dose of BCAAs, and clinically researched doses of leucine and betaine that other amino formulas simply don’t have

  • CLINICALLY STUDIED BETAINE FOR MORE LEAN MUSCLE GROWTH - Clinically studied 2.5g dose of betaine that helped subjects significantly enhance their muscular endurance

  • POWERS ENDURANCE AND PERFORMANCE WITH TAURINE - Taurine is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body and plays a variety of roles – but it's best known for its ability to enhance endurance performance

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