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TH True milk sterilized milk (bag) 220ml - barrel 48 bag

Characteristics of fresh milk low sugar TH True Milk bag 220ml

- Meet the standards of food hygiene and safety management systemISO 22000:2005 issued by BUREAU- VERITAS.

- Achieving product certification in accordance with technicalregulations issued by the National Institute of Food Safety and Hygiene

- Ministry of Health, No. 06/GCN-VKNQG.

- Certificate of product standard number: 15805/2010/YT-CNTC.

- No aromatherapy at all.Made from 100% fresh cow's milk for you to fully enjoy the essence of nature inevery drop of

- Feel the difference with the drops of pure fresh milk from the world-class dairy farm.

Đánh giá từ người mua

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