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Make a new start in 2023 with positive daily habits for a healthy mind, from the incredible No. 1 New York Times bestseller THE INCREDIBLE NO. 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER SUPERB, SMART, AND SUCCINCT' FORBES Struggling to find structure? Finding yourself lacking motivation? Start by making your bed. Maintaining routine and structure is more important than ever in the age of home working, flexi-time and the general chaos of life. In Make Your Bed, Admiral William H. McRaven shares 10 life lessons he learned during his Navy Seal training that helped him overcome challenges not only in his long Naval career, but also throughout his life. He will teach you how to . . . * Master the essential daily habits for staying grounded * Learn how to keep your mind calm and ready for the day ahead * Find solace and companionship in the people around you * Cope with setbacks and keep moving forward * Stray beyond your comfort zone and take risks Written with great humility and optimism, this timel...

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