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Thông tin sản phẩm

Bán và giao hàng bởi EXPERAL Việt Nam
Nhà xuất bản: Penguin Random House
ISBN 13: 9780071615099
Tình trạng: Mới
Binding: hardcover
Số trang: 160
Kích thước: 221 x 145 x 15 | 336 (gram)

“Life is an expression of our mind.”
Kazuo Inamori

The international bestseller A Compass to Fulfillment is
a spiritual business guide particularly relevant to our
present day and age.

Kazuo Inamori, founder of Kyocera and KDDI, weaves
together his Buddhist faith and personal experience to
create a life/business philosophy based on the simplest
but most profound of human concepts: do the right thing,
always. Inamori credits his and his companies’ extraordinary
success to the daily practice of this timeless truth.

In A Compass to Fulfillment, the author helps you develop
your own personal philosophy for success by:
Recognizing your deepest desires and using them to
create a better reality
Informing all decisions with simple truths and principles
Elevating your mind and practicing humility
Living your life steered by an attitude of selfless service
Controlling the trajectory of your life by accepting the
“will of the universe”
A Compass to Fulfillment is about strategic thinking, but
not in the sense of business and management technicalities.
It is about, first, understanding yourself, and then
using that knowledge to get to the point you want to be—
in your career, in your business, and in your life.Prologue
Chapter 1: Positives and Negatives
Chapter 2: Dreams
Chapter 3: Simple Principles
Chapter 4: Refining and Enriching Your Soul
Chapter 5: Life As a Service to Others
Chapter 6: Harmony with the Universe
Dr. Kazuo Inamori is a world-renowned
management expert and successful entrepreneur.
At age 27, he founded Kyoto Ceramic Co., Ltd. (now
Kyocera Corporation) using $10,000 from a friend.
Kyocera has since become a global leader in high-tech
ceramic and electronic products. In 1984, Inamori
established DDI Corporation (now KDDI). One of
Japan’s leading philanthropists, he established the
Inamori Foundation and created the Kyoto Prizes,
prestigious international awards given to those who
have made outstanding contributions to the progress
of society. He is the author of A Passion for Success and For People and for Profit. For more about Inamori, visit global.kyocera.com/inamori/The International Bestseller That has Put Nearly One-Million People on the Path the Success!

In his his bestselling A Compass to Fulfillment, originally published in
Japan, Kazuo Inamori relays his unique ideas about the critical
relationship between personal fulfillment and business success.
Published in English for the first time, this guidebook weaves business
savvy and spiritual faith to provide the wisdom you need to develop
strong principles and always act in accordance with them—the only
way to find ultimate success in both business and life.
Kazuo Inamori Bio:Dr. Kazuo Inamori is a world-renowned
management expert and successful entrepre

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