Lịch sử giá (biến động giá)

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So sánh giá

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Thông tin sản phẩm

Description of goods

Price for 1 set 6pcs
Original cld brand 100%
For vario 125 variable racing motor
Pnp just put it on
There are other parts of cld racing in our shop gotten shop, let 's stop by

- in order to avoid misunderstandings, please ask for the availability of products and colors so that there is a transaction that will be imposed on both parties
- you can list the colors through chat features on us
- the quality of goods is appropriate to the picture and the price will not be disappointing
- you can trade goods or return goods if there 's a product disability or a misconception.
- the order that comes in before 15: 00 a.m. Will be delivered on the same day more than it will be delivered the next day, the resi at the update every night
- we fix our ministry all the time.
- happy shopping, guys < 3

There are hundreds of items in gotta shop. Please look, maybe there 's something to be interested in. Keep order.

Đánh giá từ người mua

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