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Thông tin sản phẩm

"Welcome to KMOMO Store

Features & Specifications:
1.9H (Radiation protection)tempered glass provides high protection for your screen.
2.Hydrophobic and Oleophobic coating prevent your phone from stains like oil, fingerprints, etc.
3.Super thin and high transparency design guarantees HD viewing experience.
4.High sensitivity and response just like original screen

Installation Guide:
1. Clean your screen with the wet and dry cloth, and then use dust remover to remove dust
2. Place the screen protector into the Screen and fix the screen protector correctly
3. Press the middle of screen
4. Press the edge of the screen protector to make it firmly stick to your phone (very important)

Product list:
9H (Radiation protection)Tempered Glass*1
Alcohol swab*1
Cleaning Cloth*1"

Đánh giá từ người mua

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