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Human Body A Children's Encyclopedia From your head to your toes, this encyclopedia for children takes you on a tour of the human body and explains how each part works. On every page, discover amazing facts about the human body. Did you know that you are made up of 100 trillion cells? Learn about blood vessels (capillaries, veins, and arteries) which, if they were laid out end to end, would wrap around the Earth twice! Find out what makes a balanced diet - after all, you will eat about 20 tonnes of food in your entire life! See what part of the brain makes you appreciate music (it's the right side). There are also fun quizzes, so you can assess your own personality and test your logical and reasoning skills. An international best-seller since 2012, Human Body: A Children's Encyclopedia has now been fully updated in line with the latest research. Combining clear descriptions of human biology with awesome photographs, graphics, and CGI artworks, make your way from the skin, muscles,...

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