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Korea Brand : Italy Towel
Quantity : 10pcs (Transparent bag) /20pcs (a bag with a picture of a woman)
Color : Green
Size: 13cm x 16cm
Material: Viscose 100%
Made in Korea

Product Description

After Soaking Your Body in a Relaxing Hot Bath Water, Gently Remove Grimey Dirt Off Your Skin with the Washcloth for Refreshing Sensation.
Millions of Asians Use These to Get That Baby Soft Skin!
Not Recommended For Facial Scrubbin

100% Viscose Rayon exfoliating scrub bath mitten.
Gentle scrubbing will remove dead (and dry) skin cells and clean skin pores to eliminate blackheads.
As it shrinks after soaked in water, it needs to be stretched back to tightly fit user's hand to provide the best surface tension and the rough feel idealized for exfoliating purposes.

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