Lịch sử giá (biến động giá)

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Material: Plastic/plastics, origin: Shantou, brand: 818, cargo number: 82096, specifications: 39.5x30 cm, electrical or electrical: No, multifunctional: No, can diy: Yes, packing: Color box, plastic material classification: Abs, type of plastic building block: Small particles, building blocks (Films) Number of: 200-400 tablets (Films), net weight of building blocks: 0.5kg, is it exclusively for foreign trade: Yes (This commodity is for foreign trade purposes only, possible non-compliance with domestic product standards

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Giarevn.com là công cụ hỗ trợ kiểm tra lịch sử biến động giá, so sánh giá sản phẩm trên các sàn Shopee, Lazada, Tiki... Giarevn.com không bán hàng.