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Thông tin sản phẩm

All brush handles are made of non-toxic and safe high quality EVA plastic
The brush head is made of absorbent foam and sponge It is soft comfortable reusable and easy to clean and dry
Can clean all these baby brush tools after use put them in hot water for a while then continue to clean and can be reused after cleaning
The shapes of the cute little drawing accessories are different and the bright colors and functions can create different patterns which will cultivate the imagination and creativity of children
Very suitable for children who like painting they will spend a lot of time playing with art works it is a happy birthday gift for them

Material: sponge plastic waterproof cloth
Product size:show as picture
Product color:show as picture

Children under 4 years old can use the drawing tool with their parents

Product list: ?
4x roller sponge brush
6x stamp brush
24x combinations
4x brush
5x yellow sponge brush
1x children's apron

Đánh giá từ người mua

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